Decode your team’s personalities & cognitive skills

Zenithr is the exclusive distributor of Thomas International, which provides psychometric assessments that assess personality and cognitive abilities. They are insight tools that analyze unique strengths, weaknesses, and work ethic. Psychometric assessments piece together the various aspects of a candidate’s or current employee’s mind to determine whether they are a perfect match for the role. These assessments focus on providing businesses with valuable insights into the unique qualities of the candidate or employee that have or could contribute to the team’s success.
a man sitting on a book with icons of a brain and a star
Why Psychometric assessments

Know your team inside and out

Improve recruitment and hiring

Make sure you are hiring the best people for your business through data-driven decisions that reduce risk and build high-performing teams. With Psychometric Assessments, you can identify candidates that fit the role, culture and team dynamics.

Boost engagement and performance

Develop better teams by empowering current employees and new hires with self-discovery. Our assessment tools match individuals with roles that utilize their unique strengths and interests. This builds a happier, smoother team, leading to higher engagement, productivity, and career satisfaction.

Define areas of improvement

Evolve the skills of your employees and inspire them to do great things at your company. With Psychometric Assessments you can pinpoint certain areas of development to set up trainings for each individual.

Read your team’s minds

Four distinct areas of analysis

Psychometric Assessments give you an in-depth analysis of four unique areas of any candidate or employee. It includes behaviour, personality, aptitude, and emotional intelligence to ensure that you are making a well-rounded decision.

Tools to compare and identify candidates

With Psychometric Assessments, innovative tools will be able to help you understand what an ideal candidate looks like. Businesses can determine key attributes for the role and make informed decisions in terms of which candidate suits the role the best.

Manage your team seamlessly

Thomas goes beyond simple analysis and provides tools to manage the members of your team. With this, motivation becomes a daily routine and managers can build stronger and better relationships with their employees by understanding their workload and their characteristics.